Guided growth of nanowires leads
to self-integrated circuits
This is a SEM image of a logic circuit
based on 14 nanowires. Credit:
Weizmann Institute of Science
Researchers working with tiny
components in nanoelectronics face a
challenge similar to that of parents
of small children: teaching them to
manage on their own. The nano-
components are so small that
arranging them with external tools is
impossible. The only solution is to
create conditions in which they can
be "trusted" to assemble themselves.
Much effort has gone into facilitating
the self-assembly of semiconductors,
the basic building blocks of
electronics, but until recently,
success has been limited. Scientists
had developed methods for growing
semiconductor nanowires vertically
on a surface, but the resultant
structures were short and
disorganized. After growing, such
nanowires need to be "harvested"
and aligned horizontally; since such
placement is random, scientists need
to determine their location and only
then integrate them into electric
A team led by Prof. Ernesto
Joselevich of the Weizmann
Institute's Materials and Interfaces
Department has managed to
overcome these limitations. For the
first time, the scientists have created
self-integrating nanowires whose
position, length and direction can be
fully controlled.
The achievement, reported today in
the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences ( PNAS), USA,
was based on a method developed
by Joselevich two years ago for
growing nanowires horizontally in an
orderly manner. In the present study
—conducted by Joselevich with Dr.
Mark Schvartzman and David Tsivion
of his lab, and Olga Raslin and Dr.
Diana Mahalu of the Physics of
Condensed Matter Department—the
scientists went further, creating self-
integrated electronic circuits from the
First, the scientists prepared a
surface with tiny, atom-sized grooves
and then added to the middle of the
grooves catalyst particles that served
as nuclei for the growth of
nanowires. This setup defined the
position, length and direction of the
nanowires. They then succeeded in
creating a transistor from each
nanowire on the surface, producing
hundreds of such transistors
simultaneously. The nanowires were
also used to create a more complex
electronic component—a functioning
logic circuit called an Address
Decoder, an essential constituent of
computers. These ideas and findings
have earned Joselevich a prestigious
European Research Council Advanced
"Our method makes it possible, for
the first time, to determine the
arrangement of the nanowires in
advance to suit the desired electronic
circuit," Joselevich explains. The
ability to efficiently produce circuits
from self-integrating semiconductors
opens the door to a variety of
technological applications, including
the development of improved LED
devices, lasers and solar cells.
Provided by Weizmann Institute of
Asifa Akhtar of the MPI-IE and her team now unravelled the function of the RNA and the interaction of the proteins. The protein MLE that is known to be a central player in X chromosome activation binds to the RNA in a very special manner. Like a monkey that grabs a liana with hands and feet, the protein grabs the RNA in two different ways. While one site is a simple anchor (the feet), the other (the hands) changes the form of the RNA. "The protein MLE moulds the RNA strand. This allows MLE to bind the RNA in a dynamic manner," says Asifa Akhtar, head of the study. Like one monkey helping the other to catch the liana MLE could thus help other proteins to grab the RNA strand. Thus, the whole X chromosome can be covered by the RNA-protein complex.
During his PhD work, first author Ibrahim Ilik investigated why MLE was found at the same places on the X chromosome but did not directly interact with other proteins. "The biochemical and the biological results seemed to point in different directions in the beginning," says Ilik. "But when we realised that the proteins bind highly specifically to certain regions of the very long RNA, this was a very exciting moment."
The researchers also found that individual mutations in the RNA hardly harm the protein-RNA binding. Only multiple mutations lead to a non-functional RNA and thus to lethality of male flies. "The system is very robust for evolutionary influences. This shows how important it is for the survival of the animals. In this, RNA could provide the necessary plasticity," says Akhtar. The scientists now want to explore the evolutionary conservation of the RNA-protein system and its equivalent in mammals.
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics (MPI-IE) in Freiburg investigate the development of the immune system over the course of evolution and during lifetime. They analyse genes and molecules that are important for immune cells maturation and activation. Researchers in the field of epigenetics investigate the inheritance of traits that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence. Epigenetic research is expected to lead to a better understanding of many complex diseases, such as cancer and metabolic disorders.